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Constitution of the Quannapowitt Yacht Club

Quannapowitt Yacht Club Constitution consists of the articles below:

Article I

This association shall be known as the Quannapowitt Yacht Club. Its anchorage shall be located on Lake Quannapowitt in the cove south of the club house and extending eastward to the limits designated by the Town of Wakefield.

Article II Objective

The object of this club shall be to encourage and promote the sport of one design yacht racing, and to provide and maintain suitable club anchorage and facilities for the use of its members, and to assist in improving the waters of Lake Quannapowitt.

Article III Board Of Trustees

Section 1 This club shall be organized under the Board of Trustees "the Board", consisting of the Commodore, Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore, Fleet Captain, Secretary, and Treasurer together with three (3) adult members. The Secretary and Treasurer may be the same person.

Section 2 The Board shall meet as often as the Commodore may direct, and shall meet at any time upon a call of a majority of the Board, or with five days' notice on the written request of ten members.

Section 3 Five members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.

Section 4 The Board shall have the power to fill vacancies occurring in their members as set forth in Section 3 of Article IV.

Section 5a The Board shall enact rules and regulations ("Club Rules") governing the club and such rules shall remain in effect from year to year unless or until amended or repealed.

Section 5b The Board shall control and manage the affairs, property and finances of the club, and the hiring of employees. All rights and powers connected therewith shall be vested in them, subject to the authority and will of the membership.

Section 6 It shall be the duty of the Board to hear all complaints brought against members. Such complaints shall be laid before the Board by the Secretary and the Board shall render a decision thereon, such decision being arrived at by a majority vote of the members of the Board.

Section 7 The board may drop from the roll any or all delinquent members as shall be reported by the Treasurer. It may also reinstate such members.

Section 8 Prior to March 1 each year, the Board shall consider the recommendations of the standing committees, the needs of the club and the financial condition of the club and shall approve a budget for the next season. Standing committees and officers may make expenditures on behalf of the club only to the extent authorized in a budget. Other appropriations must have prior approval by a majority of the Board.

Section 9 The Board shall determine dues and entrance fees as may be needed to meet the budget.

Section 10 The racing fleet shall consist of those one design class sailboats recognized by the Board to be accorded racing privileges from the Race Committee. Such privileges shall include the granting of starts, scoring, and of prizes. The Board may, from time to time, add new classes to the racing fleet or discontinue those classes reduced below three boats for a full season.

Section 11 The number of club memberships shall be determined by the Board, and after review of active members, the Board shall advise the Membership Committee of the vacancies available to for filled by the current season.

Section 12 It shall be an objective of the Board to accumulate funding for the CAPITAL FUND, as set forth in Article XIX, and to recommend the disbursements to be made from it.

Article IV Election Of The Board

Section 1. The Board shall be elected at the Annual Meeting each year. They shall assume office for the next calendar year, beginning 1 January following the election.

Section 2. All elections shall be by ballot, and a majority of votes cast shall be necessary for an election.

Section 3. Vacancies may be filled by the vote of a majority of the Board or, if failing that, by election at a Special Meeting of the club membership.

Article V Duties of the Officers

Section 1 Commodore. It It shall be the duty of the commodore to preside at all meetings, to appoint all committee leaders not elected, and to appoint the Fleet Measurer. The Commodore shall secure the approval of a majority of the Board, for all such appointments.

The Commodore will, at the Commodore's discretion, call meetings of the Board and shall see that the decisions and rulings of the Board are carried out.

The Commodore shall arrange for an audit of the financial records of the club and report the results thereof to the Annual Meeting.

Section 2 Vice Commodore. It shall be the duty of the Vice Commodore to assist the Commodore in the discharge of all duties, and to officiate in the Commodore's absence. The Vice Commodore shall also be the head of the House and Grounds Committee and be supervisor f the Club Steward and prepare and maintain a Steward's Manual.

Section 3 Rear Commodore. It shall be the duty of the Rear Commodore to assist the Commodore and Vice Commodore in the discharge of all their duties, and to officiate in their absence. The Rear Commodore shall also have primary responsibility for enforcement of the Club Rules, for distributing and posting such Rules, and for bringing to the attention of the Commodore and the Board such changes in the Rules as may be appropriate.

Section 4 Secretary. It shall be the duty of the Secretary:

  1. To maintain current versions of the constitution and the Club Rules, to keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings in the club minute book, also to file and keep a full and complete record of all official communications; to keep permanent records concerning members, their proposals, election to membership and other details, in such manner as is approved by the Board.
  2. To preserve all documents, reports and communications connected with the business of the club.
  3. To prepare and keep current a membership list with names of members, address, class of boat and boat numbers.
  4. To notify each member of the time and place of meetings in accordance with Article XVII.

Section 5 Treasurer. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer:

  1. To collect and receive all moneys and to keep a correct account thereof, and to deposit same in the club's name, in such bank or banks as shall be designated by the Board.
  2. To pay all bills presented that are supported by a proper voucher or approved by the Commodore.
  3. To render a full report in writing of the financial conditions of the club to the Annual Meeting of the members.
  4. To keep the Board informed of the financial affairs of the club and to prepare such reports as they request.
  5. At the expiration of the Treasurer's term of office, to turn over to the Treasurer's successor all moneys, effects and papers in the Treasurer's possession belonging to the club.

Section 6 Fleet Captain. It shall be the duty of the Fleet Captain to arrange for and supervise maintenance and operation of the dock-mounted pump, and the club launches, to instruct members in proper operation of the launches and to designate those who are qualified. The Fleet Captain shall exercise general supervision over the club anchorage and establish necessary rules for safe moorings.

Article VI Standing Committees

The Standing Committees of the club shall consist of the following. Others may be added at the discretion of the club membership.

  • Race Committee
  • Entertainment Committee
  • Wharves Committee
  • House and Grounds Committee
  • Membership Committee
  • Long-Range Planning Committee

The duties of the Committees are defined in the articles that follow. Committee members shall be appointed at the discretion of the Chairman.

Article VII Race Committee

It shall be the duty of the Race Committee to arrange all races and record all results; make and publish regulations for the conduct of the same in accordance with the USYRU, or successor organization, and rules of the club, award all prizes and decide all protests; and to cause all yachts enrolled in, or entering the races of the club to be measured when requested by any person racing within the same class or the Measurer.

Article VIII Duties of the Entertainment Committee

Section 1. The Entertainment Committee shall provide and take charge of the Spring Meeting, all cookouts, and Annual Banquet unless otherwise directed by the Commodore. Other special functions may be assigned by the Commodore.

Section 2. Statement of Policy. It is customary that work done for the club by members will be without compensation, unless approved by the Board. Members will be reimbursed costs in connection with entertainment for items such as food and decorations. Those who assist in entertainment are not entitled to free meals, unless they are official guests of the club.

Article IX Duties of the Wharves Committee

The Wharves Committee shall be responsible for setting out, maintaining, and taking in all wharves, and club tenders. It plans and supervises:

  1. Installation, removal and maintenance of wharves and floats.
  2. Procurement and maintenance of club tenders.
  3. Maintenance of boat hoist, slings, and hoist facility exclusive of ramp.
  4. Obtains supplies and materials required in performance of functions.

Article X Functions of the House and Grounds Committee

Plans and supervises work in maintenance of club building and grounds, to include:

  1. Upkeep of building, grounds and parking lot, exclusive of racks for tenders and boat hoist.
  2. Cleanliness of building and grounds to include areas bordering the club grounds.
  3. Disposal of trash and garbage.
  4. Procurement of maintenance, cleaning and other supplies, exclusive of those for the kitchen.
  5. Upkeep of club furnishings and picnic tables.
  6. Security of building and adjacent areas.

Article XI Measurer

A Fleet Measurer shall be appointed annually by the Commodore. It shall be the duty of the Measurer, at the Measurer's discretion or when requested, to measure all yachts enrolled in the club to determine compliance with one design class specifications. The Measurer is encouraged to appoint assistants from each fleet class, who will be acquainted with detailed requirements and who can function under the Measurer's guidance.

Article XII Function Of The Club Steward

The Commodore is authorized to include in the annual budget funds hire of a Club Steward or Stewards during the sailing season. The duties of the Steward(s) shall be specified: (1) in the Steward's Manual; and (2) by the Chairman of the House and Grounds Committee (the Vice Commodore), subject to the direction of the Commodore.

Article XIII Duties Of the Membership Commitee

The Membership Committee shall receive all applications for membership and act upon them in accordance with provisions of Articles XIV and XV to fill vacancies in the membership as established by the Board of under Article III, Section 11.

Article XIV Long Range Planning Committee

Section 1. The purpose of the Long-Range Planning Committee (LRPC) is to perform long range planning, including the evaluation and prioritization of improvement projects for the next fiscal year and future capital improvement programs for the next 5 to 10 years.

Section 2. The Committee will consist of 5 members.

Present Commodore
Past Commodore of One Year
Past Commodore of Two Years
Two-At-Large Club Members selected by the above Commodores

Section 3. Statement of Policy. The LRPC will be independent of the Board. It will serve in an advisory capacity to the Board. It will exercise financial responsibi1ity only in the area of insuring that proposed programs are compatible with the funds available in the Capital Fund.

Section 4. The LRPC will present its recommendations to the Board as out1ined in Article III, Section 8, if disbursements from the Capital Fund are to be made; will present its
recommendations, for approval by the Membership, at the Annual Spring Meeting.

Article XV Members And Their Election

Section 1. Any person desiring to become a member shall apply to the Membership Committee in writing and upon the Membership Committee's approval and the payment of established dues and initiation fees shall become a member. No one under the age of 14 years shall become a member except as part of a family type membership or while taking part in a Board approved instruction program.

Section 2. The Membership Committee may grant types of membership on the following basis:

ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP: May be granted to an applicant who, in addition to meeting all the social qualifications of membership, owns a class boat of a type currently in QYC's racing fleet. Further, such persons must satisfy the Membership Committee of their desire and ability to compete in a reasonable number of scheduled races, and their willingness to participate in the work and maintenance of the club. Exceptions to this policy may be suggested by the Membership Committee for approval by the Board. There will be one vote per active membership.

LIMITED MEMBERSHIP: May be granted to an applicant who, in addition to meeting all the social qualifications of membership, meets the criteria for limited membership as set forth in the Club Rules and as modified by the Board from time to time. In no case shall such memberships become automatically renewable or be granted the right to vote.

Section 3. HONORARY LIFE MEMBERSHIP: May be conferred by the Board in recognition of unusual service to the club. There will be one vote per honorary life membership.


Longevity Minimum 25 years adult membership

Service Has provided vital services to the club or has served as a club officer or committee chairperson for a significant number of years

Age A member who is at least 55 years of age

Awards Awarded to the member or spouse (posthumously)

Awarded by Majority vote of current Board Nominations Life membership nominations can be submitted to the Board by any adult club member provided there are at least 10 adult member signatures affixed to the nomination

Section 4. No member may sell a boat to a prospective member or applicant with the understanding, implied or otherwise, that such a purchase will ensure acceptance into the club by the Membership Committee.

Section 5. Active members who resign their membership and desire reinstatement will be required to reapply for membership. If reinstated, the initiation fee will not be charged unless the membership was inactive for more than five (5) years. Exceptions to this initiation fee policy may be suggested by the Membership Committee for approval by the Board.

Article XVI

Any member guilty of improper conduct tending to endanger the welfare, interest or character of the club, or of malversation in office, or use of abusive provoking language toward others present in club activities, may be suspended or expelled at any meeting of the Board by a majority of the board members then in office. At least ten days notice of such meeting and of charges against the member shall first be given to the accused. Any reinstatement of an expelled or suspended member shall be only by approval of a majority of the Board members then in office.

Article XVII Annual Meeting and Special Meetings

Section 1. Meetings of the club shall be held at such places as the Board may designate.

Section 2. The Annual Meeting of the club for election of officers is to be held at the discretion of the Board but not later than November 1 each year, with at least two weeks' prior notice to the members.

Section 3. The Commodore may at any time call a Special Meeting, and must call a Special Meeting to be held within 15 days upon written request of ten members eligible to vote. When a meeting is called, the Secretary will notify the members in writing, stating for what purpose such meeting is called. The notice must be issued at least five days before the date of such special meeting, and no business shall be transacted but that which is specified in such notice. A special meeting may be held for any purpose consistent with this Constitution. Decisions shall be by majority vote of members present (except amendments under Article XX) and shall be binding upon the members, officers and Board.

Section 4. Twenty (20) members eligible to vote shall constitute a quorum.

Article XVIII Nominations

At least one month before the Annual Meeting, the Board shall appoint a Nominating Committee, who shall nominate officers and Trustees for election by members at the Annual Meeting. Any five members eligible in good standing may make additional nominations by notifying the Secretary. Two weeks before the Annual Meeting the Secretary will post a notice of all nominations in the Club House. Nominations not presented and posted by that time will not be considered.

Article XIX Capital Fund

The purpose of the CAPITAL FUND is to have sufficient funding available to make major capital improvements to the club's physical facilities including major building repairs or improvements and major repairs or additions to the club's fleet without borrowing or making large dues increases. It. is not to be used for ordinary operating expenses. The size of the CAPITAL FUND shall range from a minimum of zero dollars to a maximum of one year's projected annual receipts.

Each year the Board of Trustees shall, in its budget, allocate approximately 10% of the club's projected annual receipts to the CAPITAL FUND. In December of each year a deposit shall be made into a special CAPITAL FUND account of the surplus amount of receipts minus disbursements for the year less a reasonable amount (approximately 5% of a year's projected annual receipts) to be carried forward into the next year for the next year's Board to use for beginning its operations. Such a deposit need not be made in a year when unexpectedly high disbursements were required, when unexpectedly low receipts were encountered or when the maximum size of the CAPITAL FUND has been reached.

Disbursements from the CAPITAL FUND shall be approved by a majority of the members eligible to vote and present at a Special Meeting

In general, such disbursements should exceed 10% of a year's projected annual receipts in order to qualify for consideration and approval.

An audited accounting of the receipts and disbursements for the CAPITAL FUND shall be made by the Treasurer as a separate item under ARTICLE V, Section 5C.

Article XV Members And Their Election

Section 1. Any person desiring to become a member shall apply to the Membership Committee in writing and upon the Membership Committee's approval and the payment of established dues and initiation fees shall become a member. No one under the age of 14 years shall become a member except as part of a family type membership or while taking part in a Board approved instruction program.

Section 2. The Membership Committee may grant types of membership on the following basis:

  1. ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP: May be granted to an applicant who, in addition to meeting all the social qualifications of membership, owns a class boat of a type currently in QYC's racing fleet. Further, such persons must satisfy the Membership Committee of their desire and ability to compete in a reasonable number of scheduled races, and their willingness to participate in the work and maintenance of the club. Exceptions to this policy may be suggested by the Membership Committee for approval by the Board. There will be one vote per active membership.
  2. LIMITED MEMBERSHIP: May be granted to an applicant who, in addition to meeting all the social qualifications of membership, meets the criteria for limited membership as set forth in the Club Rules and as modified by the Board from time to time. In no case shall such memberships become automatically renewable or be granted the right to vote.

Section 3. HONORARY LIFE MEMBERSHIP: May be conferred by the Board in recognition of unusual service to the club. There will be one vote per honorary life membership.


Longevity Minimum 25 years adult membership
Service Has provided vital services to the club or has served as a club officer or committee chairperson for a significant number of years
Age A member who is at least 55 years of age
Awards Awarded to the member or spouse (posthumously)
Awarded by Majority vote of current Board
Nominations Life membership nominations can be submitted to the Board by any adult club member provided there are at least 10 adult member signatures affixed to the nomination

Section 4. No member may sell a boat to a prospective member or applicant with the understanding, implied or otherwise, that such a purchase will ensure acceptance into the club by the Membership Committee.

Section 5. Active members who resign their membership and desire reinstatement will be required to reapply for membership. If reinstated, the initiation fee will not be charged unless the membership was inactive for more than five (5) years. Exceptions to this initiation fee policy may be suggested by the Membership Committee for approval by the Board.

Article XX Constitution

No alteration or amendment of this Constitution shall be made except by vote of the membership at a meeting called for that purpose. Written notice of the intention to alter or amend the Constitution and stating the proposed change shall be mailed to every member by the Secretary of the club at least five days prior to such meeting. A two-thirds vote of the members eligible to vote and present shall be necessary to alter or amend.

Last updated 12:48pm on 4 February 2024

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