QYC Board Election Scheduled for November 22!
Published 8:21am on 9 Nov 2022
It's time again for us to vote on our Board for the coming year. We have a terrific slate of capable and enthusiastic candidates who are ready to navigate our club through 2023. While we normally vote at our Fall Meeting, we have gotten out of the habit during these COVID years, and are going to be trying something new this year - voting online via our web portal - in the interest of getting the Board elected and seated before the New Year. Our Constitution requires the election slate be posted two weeks prior to voting day, so mark November 22nd on your calendar for QYC Voting Day!
Our Board includes nine members: six officers and three trustees. You can read up on the board roles by clicking here. If you have questions, please let us know.
Here are your 2023 Board of Directors Candidates:
Commodore: Jim Squadrito
Vice Commodore: Mike Gonthier
Rear Commodore: Holly Lannen
Secretary: Jenn Hickey
Treasurer: Scott McCarthy
Fleet Captain: Brian Wilson
Trustee/Youth Sailing: Amy Burd
Trustee: Adam Chase
Trustee: Gayle Gleichauf
As mentioned above, voting this year will be via our club website portal. Each active SAILING membership is allowed ONE vote, and access to the ballot will be restricted to the primary membership holder. Please take a moment today to make sure you are able to access the portal and can see the 2023 Board of Directors poll in the "Upcoming Polls" area. If you can see a poll called "2023 Board of Directors", you are in the system as your membership's primary member. If you are the non-primary contact, you will see a poll called "2023 Board of Directors - Non-Voting Member". If this is incorrect, or if you have any troubles accessing the portal, please reach out to Amy Burd and let her know!
On November 22, you will be able to access the ballot by logging into the portal and navigating to "Polls", or simply by clicking here. You may vote yes, no, or abstain for each candidate. Please be sure to vote because we need a quorum to make it count!
Thanks all, looking forward to another great sailing season next year!
Mark Webster
Nominating Committee
Last updated 12:48pm on 4 February 2024